Physics 12 Unit 11 Electrostatics

 After studying this chapter the students will be able to

state Coulomb's ·law and explain that force between two point charges is

reduced in a medium other than free space using Coulomb's law.

derive the expression E = l/41re0 qi? for the magnitude of the electric field

at a distance 'r' from a point charge 'q'.

describe the concept of an electric field as an example of a field of force.

define electric field strength as force per unit positive charge.

solve problems and analyse information using E = Flq.

solve problems involving the use of the expression E = U41rio qi?.

calculate the magnitude and direction of the electric field at a point due to

two charges with the same or opposite signs.

sketch the electric field lines for two point charges of equal magnitude

with same or opposite signs.

describe the concept of electric dipole.

define and explain electric flux.

describe electric flux through a surface enclosing a charge.

state and explain Gauss's law.

describe and draw the electric field due to an infinite size conducting plate

of positive or negative charge.

sketch the electric field produced by a hollow spherical charged


sketch the electric field between and near the edges of two infinite size ~

oppositely charged parallel plates.

define electric potential at a point in terms of the work done in bringing

unit positive charge from infinity to that point.


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